k8 Lesson 1: Hello World!
Get started learning about programming your k8 robot with the micro:bit and MakeCode.
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This course introduces the learner to the BBC micro:bit, the MakeCode website, and how to put it all together to program k8! This course can be done either before or after Some Assembly Required.
After completing this course and Some Assembly Required, you will be ready to begin any of the other k8 lessons.
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InkSmith wants to help educators around the world create hands-on, experiential learning opportunities to engage their students in STEAM skills and design thinking principles. The 21st century is here, let's prepare our youth to become the innovators and makers of tomorrow!
InkSmith veut aider les éducateurs à travers le monde à créer des opportunités d'apprentissage pratiques et expérimentales pour amener leurs élèves à découvrir les compétences STIAM et les principes du design thinking. Le 21e siècle est là, préparons nos jeunes à devenir les innovateurs et les créateurs de changement de demain !