k8 1.0 Lesson 4: Ultrasonic
Use your robot's Ultrasonic Sensors to navigate around and avoid obstacles.
Robots, like animals, plants, and other living things, are able to use their surroundings to make decisions. While survival is the core instinct that drives the behaviour of living things, with robots the issue becomes a bit more complex.
One of the basic senses that living things have developed is hearing, or listening to pressure waves in an environment. We literally communicate language through the air, and can determine threats in environments where our sight is hindered.
Sound is a signal that computers are very adept in processing. Listening to changes in pressure waves in the way that humans have evolved is much less processing intensive than sensing the behaviour of light.
An ultrasonic sensor listens for echoes, and appropriately, this is behaviour that many animals exhibit as well. We seek to understand behaviours seen in the world with a controlled “experiment” using a robot. Using information such as the distance an object is in front of k8, we can recognize and avoid obstacles.
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InkSmith wants to help educators around the world create hands-on, experiential learning opportunities to engage their students in STEAM skills and design thinking principles. The 21st century is here, let's prepare our youth to become the innovators and makers of tomorrow!
InkSmith veut aider les éducateurs à travers le monde à créer des opportunités d'apprentissage pratiques et expérimentales pour amener leurs élèves à découvrir les compétences STIAM et les principes du design thinking. Le 21e siècle est là, préparons nos jeunes à devenir les innovateurs et les créateurs de changement de demain !