Mission on the Moon #3: Mapping the Moon's Surface (Physical Hardware)

Discover the features of the moon's surface and code a lunar rover to follow a path for further lunar exploration.

In Part A of Mission on the Moon #3: "Mapping the Moon's Surface", we'll learn about several types of formations on the moon's surface (impact craters, mountain ranges, low/flat areas, dark areas, dusty, rock areas, and more). After that we'll explore the different types of training for astronauts to prepare for space exploration.

For the Physical Hardware portion of Part B, your mission will be to code a program that allows your k8 robot to follow a path using its Infrared sensors! When you're a lunar rover alone on the moon, it's easy to get lost. By using the Infrared sensors, k8 will be able to follow a black line, or path, to navigate back to base camp.

Your Instructor

InkSmith & WLU
InkSmith & WLU

The Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Education Technology company, InkSmith, have partnered to develop the Mission on the Moon project.

Funded by the Government of Canada's investment in the Lunar Gateway project, Mission on the Moon is a free bundle of educational coding and robotics courses for students in grades 6 to 9. Supported by the Canadian Space Agency, the goal of this project is to create accessible and approachable resources to encourage the development of coding and STEM skills while fostering an interest in space among Canadian youth.

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