Mission on the Moon: Introduction
This course will get you up to speed on all of the software and resources you'll need to complete Mission on the Moon!
In this introduction course we will cover what the Mission on the Moon project is and how to know which course you should complete (Virtual Coding vs. Physical Hardware). We'll also cover a basic overview of the coding platforms used for both types of courses.
Your Instructor
The Faculty of Education at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Education Technology company, InkSmith, have partnered to develop the Mission on the Moon project.
Funded by the Government of Canada's investment in the Lunar Gateway project, Mission on the Moon is a free bundle of educational coding and robotics courses for students in grades 6 to 9. Supported by the Canadian Space Agency, the goal of this project is to create accessible and approachable resources to encourage the development of coding and STEM skills while fostering an interest in space among Canadian youth.